Hi! I hope everyone is having a good finals week. I don’t know why my website is loading like this and looking weird but I don’t know how to fix it lol so whatever.
This week I wanted to share my final projects I have done for my design classes. I am so excited for a break and then going into my last semester of school ever !
Web Design Portfolio
Sorry this pic is blurry but this is my portfolio for this class! I am happy with the way it came out and I plan on using it as my professional portfolio. morganbick.myportfolio.com!
Mario Collection Magazine
Again I am not really sure why things are looking this way BUT here are a few pages of a Mario collection magazine that I created for my publication class.
Pringles Ads!
These are ads I created for my Photo Communication project. My brand is Pringles !
Experimental Typography Posters
These are a few posters I made for Experimental Type class. I liked the color palette I chose and creating something out of my comfort zone.
Thanks for reading!